Amy Alstad
Restoring the Blue Mounds area landscape, one property at a time.
Welcome to southwest Wisconsin, home to rolling hills, prairie and savanna, and people who care about the land.
Our community-based non-profit organization partners with local land owners to enjoy, protect, and restore native habitats, wildlife, and ecosystems. Learn more and join us!

Beautiful native flowers in bloom in a southwestern Wisconsin prairie

A young boy holds a large cicada on the tip of his finger, both find southwestern Wisconsin home

A large meadow of alium in bloom in the prairie in southwestern Wisconsin

Beautiful native flowers in bloom in a southwestern Wisconsin prairie

Richard Hurd

Julie Raasch
Start your conservation story today

Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren
Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren
Lars Wiklund
If you are a landowner in the Blue Mounds area, we are here to help you discover and achieve the full potential of your property. Our organization focuses on partnering landowners with our staff ecologist and a dedicated community of fellow land stewards.
Just beginning your restoration story, or well into the middle chapters? Either way, this network of conservationists can offer guidance on restoration possibilities and priorities. We look forward to working with you!
Does acres of native landscape and thriving wildlife sound good to you? How about a community of landowners dedicated to protecting and learning about this special place? Contact us today to learn more, set up a site visit, or join as a member.