Our newsletters are published regularly, and are free for you to access here. They are filled with stories of restoration projects, natural history of native plants, insects and animals, announcements of events and workshops relevant to your interests, and much more.
Please consider contributing your experiences and knowledge to the BMAP community by authoring an
article! Contact our Editor at newsletter@bluemounds.org for more information or for advertising options.
Amy Alstad
BMAP Newsletters
Free to access, full of great information.
Change and Persistence Amongst Prairie Grasses; President's Message; Ecologist's Report; Activities of the Upper Sugar River Watershed Association; Book Review: Braiding Sweetgrass; BMAP Members Assist in Kahl Park Burn;
Prescribed Fire Conference; President's Message; Ecologist's Report; Winter Conversations Wrap Up; Your Nature Apps Reviews; Vote in the Conservation Congress; Ring in Spring with Crochet' Member Notes: No Mow May Returns to Mount Horeb; Upcoming Summer Events
Ron Endres Receives Bur Oak Award; President's Message; Ecologist's Report; From the Editor; Blue Mounds Phenology; 2024 BMAP Conservation Conversations; Two New Driftless Trail Segments Now Open; Classes, Walks and Tours Highlight Summer 2023 BMAP Events; Westport Prairie: A Special Place
Know Your Enemy: The Spongy Moth; President's Message; Ecologist's Report; From the Editor; Blue Mounds Phenology: This Season in the Driftless Area; Timber Rattlesnakes in Wisconsin; Member Notes: Seeking Immortality by Seeing the Future
Power Line Vegetation Needs Your Vote; President's Message; Ecologist's Report; From the Editor; What is the Conservation Congress?; Blue Mounds Phenology: This Season in the Driftless Area; Prairies and Bluebirds: If You Build it, Will They Come?; Call the Wildlife Rehabilitator!; Review of this year's Conservation Conversations series; Upcoming Events: Summer Property Tours, Walk with a Naturalist, BMAP Work Parties Return, Natural Communities of Wisconsin Class Announcement
The Importance of Having a Land Management Plan, BMAP President's Message, Ecologist's Report, a review of the Ridgeway Pine Relict SNA Walk with a Naturalist event, an article about site visits, an article about the stress of climate change on Wisconsin's plants and natural communities, a review of a Summer Property Tour event, an article on bird-house collisions, and announcing the 2022 Bur Oak Award Winners Mike Samuel & Nancy Thomas.
Contents include an article on bats and what we can do to help them, BMAP President's Message, Ecologist's Report, a series of articles reviewing several BMAP events of 2022: Walk with a Naturalist, Summer Property Tours, Work Parties, Natural Communities of Southwestern Wisconsin Class Series, and WiBee Community Science Workshop, and an update on the legal battle over ATC's Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line project.
Contents include a series of articles reviewing 2022's Conservation Conversations Winter Lecture Series, the President's Message, Ecologist's Report, an article describing the Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund's "Seed a Legacy Pollinator Habitat Program", an article announcing a class for the WiBee community science Wisconsin wild bee app, summer tour announcements, a reminder of a new opportunity for landowners - the BMAP Work Party, and the announcement of BMAP's Annual Picnic and Bur Oak Award Presentation for 2022.
Contents include BMAP President's Message looking back on 2021, the BMAP Ecologist's Report, an article detailing the crucial relationship between invertebrates and plants with management notes for land stewards, a feature introducing dedicated volunteer Brooke Lewis and the BMAP Facebook Group, a profile of the women-owned native plant nursery Two Ferns, and an article rolling out a new landowner opportunity - the BMAP Work Party.
Photo by Micah Kloppenburg
Contents include BMAP President's Message with updates to membership cycle and dues, articles summarizing our three 2021 Summer Property Tours, Ecologist's report on using goats for restoration, and reflections and lessons-learned from the 2021 Natural Communities Class -- a BMAP partnership with the Botanical Club of WI.
Photo by Brooke Lewis
Contents include BMAP President's Message, articles summarizing our three 2021 Winter Conservation Conversations, announcing the 2021 Bur Oak Award winners John Barnes and Kel Mattice (Prairie Spirit Farm), a remembrance of a dedicated BMAP member and educator extraordinaire Lalay Ohlrogge, resources for and reflections on phenology, how to create a native habitat oasis in an urban homestead, summer property tour announcements, and an update on the BMAP membership calendar.
Photo by Linda Millunzi-Jones
Contents include articles reviewing cover cropping as a prairie site preparation strategy, BMAP President's Message, Ecologist's Report on the effects of herbicide on soil life, and reflections on Landowner engagement and interests in conservation and stewardship by Cindy Becker (Director of Conservation Programs at the Driftless Area Land Conservancy).
Photo from Driftless Area Land Conservancy
Contents include articles revisiting Aldo Leopold's writings, BMAP President's Message, Ecologist's Report on large and small conservation measures, Lowery Creek Watershed community conservation, and an enthusiastic "Thank you!" to Julie Raasch, BMAP's volunteer Newsletter Editor for her 15 years of service.
Photo from Driftless Area Land Conservancy
Contents include articles on the 2020 Bur Oak Award recipients Doug Steege and Kris Euclide, the new strategic plan, allelopathy and Wisconsin plant communities, historical fire regimes of Wisconsin, Birds in the Driftless: History, Ecology, and Management, trail making workshop, Wisconsin Coverts Project, and Quercus Land Management.
Photo by Julie Raasch
Contents include a tribute to longtime Board Member Carroll Schall, winter tree and shrub ID resources, winter restoration work reflections, summer 2019 potluck tour reports, and a book review of The Driftless Reader.
Photo by Julie Raasch
Contents include articles on prescribed burns, our new board president, chainsaw training, Snapshot Wisconsin, funding opportunities, book review, and ants.
Photo by USFWS Midwest
Contents include articles on insects and Wulfenia bullii, wood-betony and the art of preserving ecological communities, the Southwest Wisconsin Grasslands Network, SWGN, wetland talk with Pat Trochlell, mother and won win 2019 Bur Oak Award, prairie restoration, and preserving and enjoying Wisconsin’s savannas.
Photo by Peter Gorman
Contents include articles on iNaturalist website and app, tour of Plowshares and Prairies Farm, good advice, and mushrooms of Northeastern US and Eastern Canada book.
Illustration by Julie Raasch
Contents include articles on herbaria and herbarium specimens, Wisconsin Master Naturalist class, and it's not about individual species.
Photo by Mary Ann Feist
Contents include articles on managing and restoring land with amphibians in mind, welcome to new ecologist Micah Kloppenberg, 2017 Annual Report, macroinvertebrates and water quality, conservation easements, Managed Forest Law, Wedel Family Legacy, and bobolinks
Photo by Colleen Prieto
Contents include articles on lichens, rewards of restoration, nature is not neat, species interactions: spiders, and Cardinal-Hickory Creek opposition.
Photo by Richard Droker
Contents include articles on the rule of 50% seed collecting, Muralt Bluff hike event, "I Needn't Have Worried", Great Lake Early Detection Network (GLEDN), and rotational grazing.
Photo by Douglas Mills